Every Thursday night we open for Pasta, All You Can Eat Salad and Drinks from 6pm to 8pm. Then, from 8pm to late, we have an adults only English Corner. Those who come for Pasta, Salad and Drinks may attend English Corner for free. Otherwise English Corner is only 10 rmb per person per night. 

Tell your friends, bring your friends and spread the message so that we have plenty of interesting people to talk with. Together we’ll make this fun, interesting, social and educational.


On another night Geoff will also give specialised Cooking Classes in English. Learn how to prepare and cook western cuisine while you improve your English. Students will also learn how to set a western table, appreciate wines and beers while enjoying a private, western dinner party.

For more details about anything write to info@.

If you are looking for a teacher or teaching work go to Offered/Wanted.

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